www.referencer.in - Privacy Policy Statement

  • www.referencer.in is a personal website of M.P.Vasudevan, I.R.S., who can be reached via e-mail at webadmin[at]referencer[dot]online. This website is in no way connected with the Indian Customs, Central Excise, Goods and Services Tax or Allied Departments and Directorates or the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) or the Indian Government.
  • For each member on the www.referencer.in, the web server automatically recognizes the member by the user name, but not by the e-mail address or by any other information.
  • www.referencer.in collects only the user name of the members who visit the website. The e-mail addresses of those who communicate via e-mail, user specific and aggregate information on what pages the members access or visit, information volunteered by the members, such as survey information and/or registration information, name and address, telephone numbers, etc., are collected separately.
  • The information www.referencer.in collects as above is used for internal review/ research and is then discarded, used to improve the content of www.referencer.in website, used to customize the content and/or layout for each individual member, used to notify members about updates to www.referencer.in and use of cookies are limited to store visitors preferences and date of last visit.
  • All the communications will be sent on the e-mail address provided during the registration. Anytime, if you do not desire to receive e-mail communication from www.referencer.in, please intimate the administrator by sending an e-mail at webadmin[at]referencer[dot]in to that effect. In case you prefer the communications to be sent to another e-mail address belonging to you, the same may also be intimated to webadmin[at]referencer[dot]in.
  • Member who uses the call back register and provide the www.referencer.in with their telephone numbers will only be contacted on telephone by the administrator. The telephone numbers provided during the registration process will not be used for this purpose.
  • Members' personal details such as name, designation, address, phone numbers, etc., provided during the registration or in other communications with www.referencer.in will not be shared with other organizations or websites.
  • www.referencer.in do not partner with or have special relationships with any advertisement server companies.
  • From time to time, www.referencer.in may use members’ information for new, unanticipated uses not previously anticipated/ disclosed in this privacy notice. If the privacy policy changes at some time in the future the members will be notified before such use of your data for these new purposes. To notify you of the policy changes and to provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses the policy changes will be posted on the website also well in advance. If you are concerned about how your information is being used, you should check back on the site periodically. In case of any policy change the data collected from the time of the policy changes will only be used for the new purposes.
  • Members may prevent their information from being used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected by e-mailing at webadmin[at]referencer[dot]in.

email: webadmin[at]referencer[dot]in