1. |
Textured Tempered Coated and Uncoated Glass - Antidumping-duty on the import of “Textured Tempered Coated and Uncoated Glass”, falling under tariff headings 7003, 7005, 7007, 7016, 7020 and 8541, originating in or exported from China PR and Vietnam and imported into India - Corrigendum. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. CBIC-190354/182/2024-TRU; Dated 05.12.2024]
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2. |
Textured Tempered Coated and Uncoated Glass - Antidumping-duty on the import of “Textured Tempered Coated and Uncoated Glass”, falling under tariff headings 7003, 7005, 7007, 7016, 7020 and 8541, originating in or exported from China PR and Vietnam and imported into India. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. CBIC-190354/182/2024-TRU; Dated 04.12.2024]
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3. |
Rescinds Notification No. 32/2022-Customs dated 30th June, 2022. [Notifications (Tariff): F.No. 354/15/2022-TRU; Dated 02.12.2024]
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4. |
Tariff Value - Further amends the notification No. 36/2001-Customs (N.T.) dated the 3rd August, 2001 [S.O. 748(E)]. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 467/01/2024-Cus.V; Dated 29.11.2024]
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5. |
Polyethylene Terephthalate resin having an intrinsic viscosity of 0.72 decilitres per gram or higher - Anti-dumping duty on the import of “Polyethylene Terephthalate resin having an intrinsic viscosity of 0.72 decilitres per gram or higher” (Bottle-grade PET resin, excluding recycled PET resin), falling under tariff items 3907 61 90 or 3907 69 90, originating in, or exported from the People’s Republic of China and imported into India - Amends Notification No. 18/2021-Cus (ADD). [Notifications (ADD): F.No. CBIC-190354/173/2024-TRU Section-CBEC; Dated 22.11.2024]
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6. |
Clarifications on the applicability of concessional duty under IGCR Rules, 2022 in certain instances. [Board's Circulars: F.No. 524/20/2024-STO(TU); Dated 21.11.2024]
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7. |
Exchange Rate Notification for foreign currency rates for Imports & Exports w.e.f 22-11-2024. [Exchange Rate Notifications: F.No. ICEGATE; Dated 21.11.2024]
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8. |
Notification of ICD, Dhanakya, Rajasthan u/s. 7(1)(aa) of the Customs Act 196. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. CBIC-50394/12/2021; Dated 21.11.2024]
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9. |
Implementation of automation in the Customs Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty or for Specified End Use Rules, 2022. [Board's Circulars: F.No. 450/28/20 l6-Cus.IV; Dated 21.11.2024]
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10. |
Mandatory additional qualifiers in import declarations in respect of coking/ non-coking coal w.e.f 15.12.2024. [Board's Circulars: F.No. 524/10/2024-STO(TU); Dated 20.11.2024]
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11. |
Notifies commodities from Border Haats namely Balat, Kalaichar, Srinagar, Kamalasagar, Bholaganj, Nalikata and Ryngku Border Haats by amendment of Principal Notification No. 63/1994-Customs (N.T.) dated 21st November, 1994. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 550/3/2010-LC; Dated 20.11.2024]
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12. |
Exchange Rate Notification for foreign currency rates for Imports & Exports w.e.f 15-11-2024. [Exchange Rate Notifications: F.No. ICEGATE; Dated 14.11.2024]
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13. |
Notifies Chhara Port as Customs Seaport under Section 7(1)(a) of Customs Act, 1962. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. CBIC-520520/2/2024; Dated 14.11.2024]
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14. |
Tariff Value - Further amends the notification No. 36/2001-Customs (N.T.) dated the 3rd August, 2001 [S.O. 748(E)]. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 467/01/2024-Cus.V; Dated 14.11.2024]
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15. |
Classification of Clear Float Glass. [Board's Circulars: F.No. 521/01/2023-STO(TU); Dated 14.11.2024]
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16. |
Requirement of Registration of Foreign Manufacturing Facilities as per Food Safety and Standards (Import) First Amendment s Regulations, 2021, dated 03.11.2021. [Board's Instructions: F.No. 401/103/2021-Cus.III; Dated 14.11.2024]
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17. |
Amends condition 48 of Notification 50/2017-Customs. [Notifications (Tariff): F.No. 90354/172/2024-TRU; Dated 13.11.2024]
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18. |
Tariff Value - Further amends the notification No. 36/2001-Customs (N.T.) dated the 3rd August, 2001 [S.O. 748(E)]. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 467/01/2024-Cus.V; Dated 13.11.2024]
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19. |
Order for extension of validity of CAVR Order No. 02/2023-Customs under the Customs (Assistance in Value Declaration of Identified Imported Goods) Rules, 2023 in respect of Stainless Steel of J3 grade classified under CTHs 72191200, 72191300, 72191400, 72192390, 72193290, 72193390, 72193490, 72193590, 72199012, 72199013, 72199090, 72202029, 72202090, 72209022, 72209029 & 72209090. [Others: F.No. 465/0212023-Cus.V; Dated 13.11.2024]
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20. |
Notification of ICD, Jajpur, Odisha u Sec 7(1)(aa) of the Customs Act 1962" and it was issued under Section 7(1)(aa) of Customs Act, 1962. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 394/118/2020-Cus(As); Dated 12.11.2024]
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21. |
Tariff Value - Further amends the notification No. 36/2001-Customs (N.T.) dated the 3rd August, 2001 [S.O. 748(E)]. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 467/01/2024-Cus.V; Dated 12.11.2024]
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22. |
General ways of identification of the Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear under EEQCO as per phased implementation plan. [Board's Instructions: F.No. 401/105/2024-Part (1); Dated 12.11.2024]
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23. |
Epichlorohydrin - Anti-dumping duty on the import of “Epichlorohydrin”, falling under tariff item 2910 30 00, originating in, or exported from China PR, Korea RP and Thailand and imported into India. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. CBIC-190354/165/2024-TRU Section-CBEC; Dated 11.11.2024]
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24. |
De-Notification of ICD Pimpri, Maharashtra. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. CBIC-52/46/2024; Dated 11.11.2024]
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25. |
Clarification on Insurance Amount and Bond Value for CCSPs and validity of Bond for AEO-LO. [Board's Circulars: F.No. 520/32/2022-Cus.VI; Dated 08.11.2024]
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26. |
Amendment in Regulation 5 and 10 of HCCAR, 2009. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 520/32/2022-Cus.VI; Dated 07.11.2024]
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27. |
Exchange Rate Notification for foreign currency rates for Imports & Exports w.e.f 08-11-2024. [Exchange Rate Notifications: F.No. ICEGATE; Dated 07.11.2024]
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28. |
Welded Stainless-Steel Pipes and Tubes - Anti-dumping duty on the import of “Welded Stainless-Steel Pipes and Tubes” falling under tariff items 7304 11 10, 7304 11 90, 7304 41 00, 7304 51 10, 7304 90 00, 7305 11 29, 7305 90 99, 7306 11 00, 7306 21 00, 7306 29 19, 7306 30 90, 7306 40 00, 7306 50 00, 7306 61 00, 7306 69 00, 7306 90 11, 7306 90 19 or 7306 90 90, originating in, or exported from Thailand and Vietnam and imported into India. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. 190354/162/2024-TRU; Dated 04.11.2024]
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29. |
Guidelines for Customs field formations in maintaining ease of doing business while engaging in investigation into tax evasion cases in import or export. [Board's Instructions: F.No. 394/39(14)/2018-Commr. (Inv.-Cus.); Dated 01.11.2024]
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30. |
Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2024. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 450/58/2015-Cus.IV (Pt.I); Dated 30.10.2024]
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31. |
Mandatory additional qualifiers in import/export declarations in respect of Synthetic or Reconstructed Diamonds w.e.f 01.12.2024. [Board's Circulars: F.No. 524/17/2024-STO(TU); Dated 30.10.2024]
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32. |
Tariff Value - Further amends the notification No. 36/2001-Customs (N.T.) dated the 3rd August, 2001 [S.O. 748(E)]. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 467/01/2024-Cus.V; Dated 30.10.2024]
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33. |
Appointment of Adjudicating Authority as Commissioner of Customs (Adjudication), Mumbai Customs Zone-I for the cases to be assigned by CBIC. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 450/98/2024-Cus.IV; Dated 29.10.2024]
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34. |
Notifies Ultapani LCS route Road from Ultapani via Saralpara via Naharani (SSB Camp) to Sarpang District (Bhutan) by amendment of Principal Notification No. 63/1994-Customs (N.T.) dated 21st November, 1994. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. CBEC-170554/5/2016-LAND CUSTOM SECTION-CBEC; Dated 29.10.2024]
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35. |
Notification under Section 28A of Customs Act, 1962 for Non-Levy of Customs Duty on the import of Simply Sawn Diamonds. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 450/269/2022-Cus.IV; Dated 24.10.2024]
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36. |
Tariff Value - Further amends the notification No. 36/2001-Customs (N.T.) dated the 3rd August, 2001 [S.O. 748(E)]. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 467/01/2024-Cus.V; Dated 23.10.2024]
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37. |
Isopropyl Alcohol - Anti-dumping duty on the import of “Isopropyl Alcohol”, falling under tariff item 2905 12 20, originating in, or exported from China PR. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. CBIC-190354/159/2024-TRU Section-CBEC; Dated 22.10.2024]
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38. |
Sulphur Black - Anti-dumping duty on the import of “Sulphur Black”, falling under tariff items 3204 11 96, 3204 12 18, 3204 19 11, 3204 19 25,3204 19 58, 3204 19 64, 3204 19 67, 3204 19 79 or 3204 90 00, originating in, or exported from China PR and imported into India. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. CBIC-190354/156/2024-TRU Section-CBEC; Dated 22.10.2024]
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39. |
Cellophane Transparent Film - Anti-dumping duty on the import of “Cellophane Transparent Film”, falling under tariff items 3920 71 11 or 4823 90 90, originating in, or exported from China PR and imported into India. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. CBIC-190354/153/2024-TRU Section-CBEC; Dated 22.10.2024]
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40. |
Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) - Anti-dumping duty on the import of “Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU)” falling under tariff item 3909 50 00, originating in, or exported from China PR and imported into India. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. CBIC-190354/155/2024-TRU Section-CBEC; Dated 22.10.2024]
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41. |
Passenger Name Record Information (First Amendment) Regulations 2024. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. CBIC-21/90/2022-INV-CUSTOMS-CBEC; Dated 22.10.2024]
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42. |
Amends Export Duty on Certain Varieties of rice. [Notifications (Tariff): F.No. 190354/167/2024-TRU; Dated 22.10.2024]
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43. |
Issuance of Equipment Type Approval (ETA) for License-Exempt Wireless Equipment Devices. [Board's Instructions: F.No. 401/48/2022-Cus.III; Dated 22.10.2024]
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44. |
Clarification on certain aspects of origin procedures under free trade agreements (FTAs). [Board's Instructions: F.No. 20000/06/2015-OSD(ICD); Dated 21.10.2024]
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45. |
Unframed Glass Mirror - Anti-dumping duty on the import of "Unframed Glass Mirror" falling under tariff item 7009 91 00, originating in, or exported from People’s Republic of China and imported into India. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. CBIC-190354/154/2024-O/o JS(TRU-I); Dated 21.10.2024]
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46. |
Notification of Yogayatan Port, Maharashtra as Customs Seaport and it was issued under Section 7(1)(a) of Customs Act, 1962. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. CBIC-50394/130/2022; Dated 18.10.2024]
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47. |
Exchange Rate Notification for foreign currency rates for Imports & Exports w.e.f 18-10-2024. [Exchange Rate Notifications: F.No. ICEGATE; Dated 17.10.2024]
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48. |
Implementation of "Agreement" signed between FSSAI, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and Bhutan Food and Drug Authority (BFDA). [Board's Instructions: F.No. CBIC-15020/4/2021-ICD-CBEC; Dated 16.10.2024]
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49. |
Retrospective issuance of certificates of origin under India-UAE CEPA. [Board's Instructions: F.No. 401/103/2021-Cus.Ill; Dated 16.10.2024]
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50. |
Tariff Value - Further amends the notification No. 36/2001-Customs (N.T.) dated the 3rd August, 2001 [S.O. 748(E)]. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 467/01/2024-Cus.V; Dated 15.10.2024]
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51. |
Appointment of Common Adjudicating Authority i.r.o M/s. Penta Gold Limited. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 437/01/2023- Cus IV(Pt.III); Dated 07.10.2024]
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52. |
Continuous Cast Copper Wire Rod - Extends the levy of countervailing duty on "Continuous Cast Copper Wire Rod" originating in or exported from Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand. [Others: F.No. 190354/143/2024-TRU; Dated 04.10.2024]
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53. |
Exchange Rate Notification for foreign currency rates for Imports & Exports w.e.f 04-10-2024. [Exchange Rate Notifications: F.No. ICEGATE; Dated 03.10.2024]
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54. |
Tariff Value - Further amends the notification No. 36/2001-Customs (N.T.) dated the 3rd August, 2001 [S.O. 748(E)]. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 467/01/2024-Cus.V; Dated 30.09.2024]
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55. |
Amends the various Customs notifications in order to align the HS Codes of the said notifications with the Finance Act, 2024, w.e.f. 01.10.2024. [Notifications (Tariff): F.No. 190354/151/2024-TRU; Dated 30.09.2024]
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56. |
Digitization of Customs Bonded Warehouse procedures relating to obtaining Warehouse License, Bond to Bond Movement of warehoused goods, and uploading of Monthly Returns. [Board's Circulars: F.No. 484/03/2015-part I; Dated 30.09.2024]
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57. |
Isobutylene-Isoprene Rubber (‘IIR’) - Anti-dumping duty on the import of of “Isobutylene-Isoprene Rubber (‘IIR’)”, falling under tariff item 4002 31 00, originating in, or exported from People’s Republic of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and United States of America and imported into India. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. 190354/101/2024-TRU; Dated 27.09.2024]
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58. |
Anodized Aluminium Frames for Solar Panels/Modules - Anti-dumping duty on the import of “Anodized Aluminium Frames for Solar Panels/Modules” falling under tariff items 7610 9010, 7610 9030 or 7616 9990, originating in, or exported from China PR and imported into India. [Notifications (ADD): F.No. 190354/132/2024-TRU; Dated 27.09.2024]
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59. |
Amends Export Duty on Certain Varieties of rice. [Notifications (Tariff): F.No. 190354/152/2024-TRU; Dated 27.09.2024]
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60. |
Tariff Value - Further amends the notification No. 36/2001-Customs (N.T.) dated the 3rd August, 2001 [S.O. 748(E)]. [Notifications (Non-Tariff): F.No. 467/01/2024-Cus.V; Dated 26.09.2024]
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61. |
Order under sub-rule (2) of rule 10 and rule 5 of the Customs (Assistance in Value Declaration of Identified Imported Goods) Rules, 2023 for Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB). [Others: F.No. 465/01/2023-Cus.V; Dated 25.09.2024]
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62. |
Classification of laboratory chemicals. [Board's Circulars: F.No. 528/05/2024-STO(TU); Dated 23.09.2024]
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