The Indian Foreign Service (Conduct And Discipline) Rules, 1961

17. Return of official documents :-

(1) Any failure by a member of the service to return official documents where their retention is not permissible under orders of the Government issued from time to time or in any instance where their return is demanded. is an offence which may render the officer liable to disciplinary proceedings.

Note.-Due care shall be taken to ensure that the provisions of all the rules for the custody and handing over of cyber documents are properly observed.

(2) Every member of the service, when handing over charge of his post, shall ensure the handing over of all Top Secret, Secret and Confidential papers to his successor or to any other appropriate official. Heads of Mission or post shall compile a list of all the papers so handed over and/or received and a copy of the list shall be sent to the Government for record, in accordance with Government orders on the subject issued from time to time.

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