[Copy of DP & AR letter No. 11017/1/76-AIS (III), dated the 5th February, 1976.]

Rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rule, 1968 provides that:-

(i) the members of the All India Services shall strictly abide by any law relating to intoxicating drinks or drugs in force in any area in which he may happen to be for the time being;

(ii) he shall not be under the influence of any drink or drug during the course of his duty and shall also take due care that the performance of his duties at any time is not affected in any way by the influence of such drinks or drugs;

(iii) he shall not consume any intoxicating drink or drug in a public place;

(iv) he shall not appear in a public place in a state of intoxication; and

(v) he shall not use any intoxicating drink or drug to excess.

The rule further defines public place as any place or premises (including a conveyance) to which the public have, or are permitted to have, access whether on payment or otherwise.

1. The above provisions of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, are of special importance in the context of the latest endeavour to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drug. While it is expected that every member of an All India Services will scrupulously adhere to the provisions of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, mentioned above, it is also expected of the disciplinary authorities to keep a strict watch on the conduct of members of the All India Services in regard to matters of members of the All India Services in regard to matter covered by the afore said Rule. Violation of any of the provisions of rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, will constitute a good and sufficient reason for taking disciplinary action against a member of the All India Service. While any of the penalties specified in rule 6 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 can be imposed on a member of an All India Service for good and sufficient reason after following the prescribed procedure the disciplinary authorities should take a very serious view of any violation of rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 and should not hesitate to impose the severest punishment on such members of the All India Service who are proved guilty of violating the said Rule.