Rule 6. Medical attendance by person other than authorised medical attendant. -

Government of India Decisions

1. Approval of Chief Administrative Medical Officer is not necessary if he is satisfied that treatment other than AMA is necessary, of permission in this regard is obtained: -

Under this rule, it is immaterial whether the approval of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer is obtained by the member of the Service or the authorised medical attendant so long as the Chief Administrative Medical Officer is satisfied that treatment other than by an authorised medical attendant is necessary. The member of the Service may obtain such permission on the suggestion of the Authorised medical attendant or the Chief Administrative Medical Officer may give such permission after consultation with the authorised medical attendant.

[G.I. MHA letter No. 31/6/56-AIS (II), dated 27-07-1956.]

2. State governments may take into consideration to facilities available within the State while referring the patients outside the State for treatment of special and malignant diseases: -

Though this rule as amended permits All India Service officers and members of their families to get medical attendance/treatment outside the State for all diseases the actual intention in amending the rule is that the facilities for such treatment should, as far as possible be restricted to cases of special and malignant diseases like tuberculosis, cancer and polio or in respect of officer posted to under developed areas like Manipur and Tripura where reasonable and adequate facilities for treatment may not be available at a hospital within the State and where treatment at a hospital in an adjoining State might be recommended. The State Government may bring this fact to notice of their medical authorities so that they might bear it in mind while recommending medical attendance/treatment in hospital outside the State.

2. The State Government may, however, at their discretion, permit officers in deserving cases to have treatment outside their State or other districts where the medical authorities are of opinion that there is immediate danger to life and that treatment outside the State is absolutely necessary.

[G.I. MHA letter No. 7/7/60-AIS(III), dated 03-06-1960.]

3. Member of Service can get medical treatment from doctors other than AMA: -

Member of the Service can get medical treatment from doctors other than their authorised medical attendants (including doctors equal or immediately junior to the authorised medical attendants in the same hospital) only on the prior advice of their authorised medical attendants, who will further get the approval of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the State. The State Government can, however, allow the All India Service officers and the members of their families to get medical treatment from any government doctor stationed in the place where they are serving, if they declare principal medical officers of all separate hospitals to be the authorised medical attendants for them under rule 2(a) read with rule 2(d).

[G.I. MHA letter No. 7/8/60-AIS (III), dated 09-11-1960.]

4. Members of the family of the member of Service are also entitled to treatment by a Government specialist: -

The Government of India have held that the provisions of the rule 6(1) are also applicable to a member of the family of the member of the Service and he/she may be entitled to treatment by a specialist provided the specialist is Government specialist.

[G.I. MHA letter No. 7/3/64-AIS (III), dated 28-01-1965.]