Rule 3. Medical Attendance by authorised medical attendant. -

Government of India Decisions

1. No ceiling limit on consultation fixed for AMAs in respect of AIS officers serving with the affairs with the Union. However, the State Governments may prescribe such limits for the AIS officers serving with them:-

Under this Rule, the Government of India have not prescribed any ceiling limits on consultations etc. with authorised medical attendants in respect of members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union. It is however for the State Government to prescribe such limits if they consider necessary for members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the State.

[G.I. MHA letter No. 7/23/60-AIS (III), dated 26-09-1960]

2. No restriction on the AIS officers serving with the affairs of the Union under AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1960 of consultation and injections, (including injectables) under the order issued by the Ministry of Health in their O.M. No. F. 28-12-66/hl. dated the 6th March 1962, in respect of the members of the Central Service Class I:-

The Government of India have held that rules 3, 4 and 7 provide for free medical treatment and attendance to the members of the Service and the members of their families without restriction. In view of this, it is not permissible to invoke rule 2 of the A.I.S. (Conditions of Service-Residuary Matters) Rules, 1960, and restrict the number of consultation and injections, (including injectables) under the order issued by the Ministry of Health in their O.M. No. F. 28-12-66/hl. dated the 6th March 1962, in respect of the members of the Central Service Class I.

[G.I. MHA letter No. 7/14/63-AIS (III), dated 12-05-1964]