The Central Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965


OrdOrders made by the disciplinary authority shall be communicated to the Government servant who shall also be supplied with a copy of its finding on each article of charge, or where the disciplinary authority is not the inquiring authority, a statement of the findings of the disciplinary authority together with brief reasons for its disagreement, if any, with the findings of the inquiring authority [*   *   *] and where the disciplinary authority has not accepted the advice of the Commission, a brief statement of the reasons for such non-acceptance.

**[Deleted vide the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2014 - Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) Notification dated the 31st October, 2014 issued from 11012/8/2011-Estt.(A)]

Government of India Decisions:

(1) Entry of punishments in confidential rolls [G.I., MHA OM No. 38/12/59-Ests. (A) dated the 23rd April, 1960]