The All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968
(1) No member of the Service shall use his position or influence directly or indirectly to secure employment for any member of his family with any private undertaking.
(2)(a) No member of the Service shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government, permit a member of his family to accept employment with any (private undertaking) having official dealings with the Government.
Provided that where the acceptance of such employment cannot await the sanction of the Government or is otherwise considered urgent, the matter shall be reported to the Government, and the employment may be accepted provisionally subject to the sanction of the Government.
(2)(b) A member of the Service shall, as soon as-he becomes aware of the fact of acceptance by a member of his family of an employment with any private undertaking report to the Government the fact of such acceptance and also whether he has or has had any official dealings with that private undertaking:
Provided that no such report shall be necessary if the member of the Service has already obtained sanction of, or sent a report to, the Government under clause (a).
(3)(a) No member of the Service shall in the discharge of his official duties, deal with any matter relating to, or award any contract in favour of a private undertaking or any other person, if any members of his family is employed in that private undertaking or under that person or if he or any member of his family is interested in such private undertaking or other person in any other manner.
(3)(b) In any case referred to in clause (a), the member of the Service shall refer the matter to his official superior and the case shall thereafter be disposed of according to the instructions of the official superior.
Government of India Decisions: